Во Франции обнаружили новый вид динозавров

Новости. Общество
17:40, 30 Октября 2017

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Они ели растения, которые больше никому не нравились.

Французские и бельгийские ученые обнаружили новый вид динозавров - Matheronodon provincialis, рассказывает "Медуза". Археологи нашли останки животного на юге Франции. Matheronodon provincialis отнесли к семейству Рабдодонтидов - травоядных динозавров, которые обитали на всех континентах.

У Matheronodon provincialis были массивные челюсти, похожие на ножницы - с их помощью динозавр жевал жесткие волокнистые листья и стебли. Ученые предполагают, что динозавр питался растениями, которые другие травоядные динозавры не любили.

Ученые обнаружили только часть челюсти динозавра и несколько зубов. Палеонтологи сделали реконструкцию черепа Matheronodon provincialis и предположили, что его зубы были острее, чем у других травоядных динозавров. Примерные расчеты показали, что длина его тела достигала 5 метров. Ученые надеются обнаружить и другие останки нового вида, чтобы больше узнать о его строении и рационе.

A team of Belgian and French palaeontologists has described a new dinosaur species that had scissor-like teeth. The fossil remains of Matheronodon provincialis – a primitive cousin of Iguanodon – were discovered in the South of France, during a ‘paleotrip’ of @rbinsmuseum. Velaux-La Bastide Neuve, north west of Marseille, is a site with sediments from the Late Cretaceous that was only discovered in 1992. Our Museum organised two ‘paleotrips’ there – in 2009 and in 2012 – resulting in hundreds of fossils: dinosaurs, pterosaurs (flying reptiles), crocodiles and turtles. Notably, palaeontologists and volunteers found a jawbone and teeth from what now appears to be a new dinosaur species. In a study in the journal Scientific Reports the palaeontologists – some of them of @rbinsmuseum and @vubrussel – named it Matheronodon provincialis, after Philippe Matheron who in 1869 was the first to describe remains of Rhabdodontidae. This is a group of herbivore dinosaurs that also includes this new species. ‘M. provincialis was a primitive relative of Iguanodon’, says our colleague Pascal Godefroit. The new species lived around 70 million years ago and grew up to 5 metres long. It had an alimentary regime that was very specialized. It had few, but extremely enlarged teeth, up to 6 cm long and 5 cm wide. They operated like self-sharpening serrated scissors. ‘The denture of this group had evolved in a different direction than that of their contemporaries, the hadrosaurs or duck-billed dinosaurs’, Godefroit concludes. ‘Hadrosaurs had sophisticated dental ‘batteries’ formed by little teeth with which they could crush conifers. Matheronodon and the other Rhabdodontidae probably ate leaves of palm trees, which were abundant in Europe at that time. They had to cut rather than crush the fibre-rich leaves, before they could swallow them.’ [📷 artistic reconstruction by Lukas Panzarin; pictures by Thierry Hubin, RBINS) #dinosaurs #naturalsciencesbrussels #herbivore #teeth #scissors #cretaceous #provence #france #fossils #fossil #fossilfriday

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